This marathon of a week is finally over, and I couldn't be happier. This is the first weekend in a while where I won't be running and logging crazy miles, where I won't be traveling, and where I'll be able to do some personal maintenance (aka finally getting my highlights touched up--so long overdue), hang out with friends, and I'll be able to actually enjoy some chill time. May is shaping up to be a pretty busy month, so I'm taking advantage of this weekend and I'm looking forward to relaxing! Cheers to a fab--and warm!--weekend!
-wishing i was back in dc for this amazing meal from founding farmers- |
-the june issue has arrived. hot- |
-#fashiongirlslovehockey. one of my dreams came true this week...hello stanley cup!- |
-fun bracelets at an editor event this week- |
-wise words at the lululemon store in union square- |
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