Back when May first started I had this huge sigh of relief that the month didn't have any serious plans, and I could actually be around town and hang out a bit. Little did I know how quickly my weekends would fill up. This weekend, I'll be packing my bags to head back to my hometown, but hopefully first, a little pit stop for some pizza (which I've been craving since Tuesday). Tomorrow is a busy day, filled with dance rehearsals and a dinner date with family from out-of-town, and then Sunday will be all about my amazing mom, and we'll be heading up to Connecticut to see my 98-year-old great-grandmother. A packed weekend is an understatement. Let's hope I can come out alive on the other side! Cheers to a fab weekend everyone!
-cute pic of me and my best friend from last weekend- |
-excited to see this munchkin this weekend!- |
-slightly obsessed- |
-i call this my gold finger mani- |
-wanting all of this from dooney & bourke- |
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