Friday is upon us once again! This week seemed to fly by. Maybe it was having Monday off for Martin Luther King Day. Maybe it was the photo shoot I had on Tuesday. Maybe it is just time flying by as it seems to have been doing for the past year and a half. I swear, since I've graduated from college, time seems to just wiz by. It scares me that I'm not paying attention to the little things and I feel like I need to take a step back and enjoy them. New resolution (is that even allowed 20 days into the new year?)?
Anywayyy, this weekend I'm planning on taking it easy... I've been feeling slightly under the weather for 2 weeks now and I want to knock any inkling of sickness that might be lingering, before I head to Boston next weekend to visit my college friends (soooo excited!). I'm sure a trip to the mall and maybe some time spent with my guy. Oh yea, and my Saturday morning Pilates class is a given :)
Enjoy your weekend!
Happy Happy Happy...
-lots of bright jewelry from our shoot on was tribal themed!- |
-i'm in the masthead!! most exciting part of my week :)- |
-we were being silly this morning while waiting for my train to work- |
-my mom's words with friends tiles!- |
-gotta have a six pack by really, i do- |
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