Hello Friday, I have missed you. So happy that the weekend is finally here. No big plans this weekend...after last weekend's big party and next weekend being MY birthday, I'm looking forward to taking it easy this weekend. Pilates will definitely be part of my plans as well as a monster run, maybe some shopping (more like SHOPPING FOR SPRING IS A MUST!), a family dinner tonight, boyfriend time, and then I leave for a quick trip to Seattle on Sunday night. And by quick trip I mean I'll be there for literally 24 hours. Crazy, insane, unreal. Yes, the adjectives can go on and on. I have a cover shoot with a famous soccer star, who shall remained unnamed (can you guess who??), on Monday and will be taking the red eye back on Monday night. I think I'll be flying across the country longer than I'll be on land. Oy!
-this weeks warm weather means that summer is almost here!- |
-i love spike the punch- |
-my cousin emmy is so cute- |
-puppy face- |
-fishnet nails, black sheer tights, helen fic, and creamy white- |
LOVE your fishnet nails!